Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Are you looking for a tool to aid in Spelling practice for your child?

Well, SpellQuizzer just might be what you've been looking for!

SpellQuizzer is a spelling program for helping children learn their spelling words.
SpellQuizzer is spelling software that helps students practice their vocabulary.
You can download pre-made spelling lists for SpellQuizzer from their web site.

I am not getting paid for my review of this product. The developer simply contacted me and asked me if I would be willing to use the program and review it on my blog. No strings attached! My review will be an honest review of how the program works for us. Thanks, Dan, so much for this opportunity!

For starters, I've only just downloaded the program this evening so I've not had a lot of time to play around with it..but let me just say that what I have seen so far is very impressive! For starters, SpellQuizzer wasn't designed with any one spelling curriculum in mind. That's right! It should compliment virtually any spelling curriculum that you use because you create your own custom spelling lists!

The program is available for a 30 day free trial after which you can purchase it for just under $30. To me, that's a great price..I mean, afterall, this is something you can use for years and long as your child is learning to spell words then this program will be a vital tool.

The only two things you need for this program to work for you are 1.)a Windows operating system and 2.)a PC microphone, which can be purchased for $10 or less at most retailers.

Ok, so once you download the program it creates a shortcut on your desktop. You can use that part of the program to create new lists for your child. It's SO easy...I created one in about a minute just to do a test run. You type in the word, record yourself saying it, and save it. This program works well for all children whether they are in public school or homeschooled. Basically you get the words that you want to use on the list and you say the word and a sentence using the word (if you wish). You save the list and then your child comes along and clicks the "quiz me on a list" button. He/She can play through the list and type in the spellings for each of the words.

On the SpellQuizzer website there are several spelling lists already made for you to download to your SpellQuizzer desktop program. Some of these lists include:

* Seasons, Months, & Days
* Sample Spelling Lists by Grade (grades 1-8!)
* Dolch Sight Word Spelling list (with over 300 sight words!!)

and many more!!!!

From what I can tell so far, this program is super! If your children are like mine any kind of computer work is "fun" work to them. Wouldn't this program be so much better than having to stand and call out spelling words night after night?

Make sure to check the SpellQuizzer website out for yourself, and in the meantime, check back here for more updates as we start using this fabulous program!

**Edited to add 4/22/09: After Dan read my review he invited me to participate in the SpellQuizzer affiliate program. Basically anyone that clicks on the SpellQuizzer picture at the top right on this blog and chooses to purchase the program I will make a little commission on the purchase (20%)...Likewise, if YOU purchase the program you too can become an affiliate and earn your own 20% by people checking out the link on your own blog or website! It's a great deal and a GREAT spelling software program!!**


  1. Hello, I found you from THL. I saw your post and wanted to share my blogs. It's (called Three Princesses and a PRINCE and my homeschool blog is called W.I.F.E. you can find that on the first blog.) Hope to keep in touch through blogging.


  2. Hi Lori! I like reading your blog even though I don't homeschool. I just had to tell you, I got quite a chuckle out of your picture at the top of your looks so school like...and then you notice....the gun laying on the table too, lol. Is that how you get them to do their work??? I can tell it's a toy one but I still had to laugh!!

  3. LOL Sarah! I noticed the gun in the pic but decided to use it anyway. ROFL...One of them was probably dressed like Batman or something anyway. haha

  4. Memorization is important, but spelling can do more. Good spelling practice is not simply rote memory practice or writing each word ten times. Check out Spelling Practice Ideas for helpful tips and free resources.
